Large Pond Starter Pack – Native.
Large Pond Starter Pack – Native. This pack is suitable for large size ponds and contains only quality British native pond plants every thing you need to start a healthy pond off.
The pond starter pack kit includes:
- 4 Alba Water Lilies – No pond should be without at least one of these beautiful plants. The Alba water lily are the only water lilies that are native to Britain therefore we include four Alba water lilies that will add interest to your pond. We also include identifying labels and suitable planting baskets.
- 4 Water Soldiers (Stratiotes Aloides). This floating water aquatic pond plant. Floats on the top for part of the year. Flowers late spring to late summer and provides good water coverage. Will sink for part of the year and resurface.
- 4 Nymphoides peltata – Water Fringe also known as Floating Heart. Attractive heart-shaped mottled foliage with bright yellow fringed flowers. For the deeper water area of the pond.
- 48 Native Marginal water plants -A selection of forty-eight native plants which are suitable for the shallow water areas, together with labels and planting baskets. These will be chosen from pond plants that will give a variety of habitats, form, height and colour and thus make an interesting display. We send 3 of each plant which makes 48 plants, to be planted in the baskets that are in the pack.
- 1 x full bag of Hornwort covering 15m to 25m of surface water – oxygenating pond plants are essential for keeping the water healthy.
- Baskets and planting instructions
- Please note that we will choose the plants according to suitability and availability at the time of ordering. This pack represents a saving on the price of ordering plants individually. If you have a colour scheme or need to tell us about your planting depths leave us a comment in the customer notes. We will always try to choose the best plants for your pond.
- Product Code: XPNPL
- Contact us if you require more information. Our plant team will be happy to help with any queries you may have.