Slender spike rush. Eleocharis uniglumis. Native


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Slender spike rush. Eleocharis uniglumis. Native

Slender spike rush is a native perennial plant that can grow underwater and moist soil . As its name suggests this is a very slim variety of spike rush with shiny stems. A perennial which grows in wet meadows. It is widespread in Britain often near the coast but never common.

  • Flowers May to July
  • All spike rushes have small fruiting spikes at the tip
  • Spike rush provides food and habitat for aquatic invertebrates, amphibians and reptiles, .
  • Can grow to a height of 40 cm .
  • Plant directly in soil or in a planting basket.
  • Cutting back the plants in the autumn will generate next years growth.
  • We would recommend a planting basket of at least 11cm across for one plant or, for more impact, plant several of the same variety in a larger basket.
  • We ship all marginal water plants bare root, this means that we wash the soil off before packing plants. During the summer months we may need to trim some of the foliage back for shipping.
  • Contact us if you require more information we are available for 08:30am to 16:30pm Monday to Friday and via email.  Our team would be happy to help with any queries  you may have.