Pink flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus) 10 plants for


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Pink flowering rush (Butomus umbellatus) native Marginal plants

  • The Pink Flowering Rush, Butomus umbellatus, is a beautiful native water plant. It has heads of pretty, rose pink flowers in July and August which are higher than the leaves. You can plant Pink flowering rush in any depth of water from 5-45cm (2-18in) and therefore it is useful for deeper water areas where some other marginal water plants would not thrive. Tall, emergent plants such as Butomus umbellatus provide habitat for pond insects, especially emerging dragonflies.
  • This water plant has long, pointed leaves which are triangular in cross-section and are also twisted. They measure 100 cm or more in length.
    Height 100-150 cm (39-60in).
  • Planting depth 5-45 cm (2-18 in) of water above soil level.
  • Plant in the margins of a pond, lake or stream or in a planting basket, we recommend one of the wider baskets which will allow the rhizome to spread.
  • Product Code: M0100
  • We ship all marginal water plants bare root, this means that we wash the soil off before packing plants. During the summer months we may need to trim some of the foliage back for shipping.
  • Contact us if you require more information